
Genesis Foundation: Supporting Families Affected by Congenital Heart Defects

At Genesis Foundation , we understand the emotional and financial challenges faced by families affected by congenital heart defects. Our organization provides emotional support, medical care, and financial assistance to these families. Support our mission and help us make a difference in the lives of these brave little hearts and their families.

The simple steps to fund medical treatments with the help of donations in India

Contributed by Priyansha Singh To effectively contribute to these medical fundraisers, donors may want to consider the following avenues for positively impacting someone's life: 1. Identification of a genuine cause It is crucial to verify a legitimate cause before donating. Verified platforms such as Milaap or Ketto should be explored to recognize the cases that are in true need of financial assistance. It is also advised to look for campaigns that are backed with in-depth information about the patient’s medical condition, required treatment, and expenses to be covered. Hospital reports, doctor’s prescriptions, and estimated bills, along with personal testimonials from the families, can further assure credibility. 2. Enrolling in trusted donation platforms  Secure payment gateways, transparency in fund allocation, and regular updates on the progress of the campaign are the highlights to follow through to ensure you have made a true impact. These platforms make it simple to contribu...

Genesis Foundation: Where Compassion Meets Care

  Genesis Foundation is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of children. Our mission is to provide quality medical care, nurture young hearts, and inspire hope in those we serve.

Virtual Reality Assisted Imaging in Complex Congenital Heart Surgery: Scope and Prospects

The role of three-dimensional imaging has made its way into every sphere of life, be it in entertainment/education or a myriad of other uses.  From wearable 3D glasses to 3D gaming to 3D software in defense intelligence, its presence is everywhere and is here to stay. Virtual Reality is a simulated experience that employs pose tracking and 3D near eye displays to give the user an immersive feel of the virtual world. Virtual reality has made it big in the field of entertainment, education and business. A person using virtual reality equipment is able to look around the artificial environment and interact with the virtual features and items.

Hearts Behind the Foundation: The Heart Whisperer

My association with Genesis Foundation began in 2024. I feel so blessed to be a part of such noble work that looks only at child heart treatment. An opportunity to create meaningful change in the world. Stepping into the lives of individuals and community and giving them the best you can. I am grateful that through this field I have the power to uplift those who are struggling or are in need, in ways either by giving my heart and soul to the project or to create avenues for donation to charity that I am involved with. My first visit to the hospital to see a 5 month old baby in terrible pain, but a smile on her face left me with a flood of emotions through my mind. Since my school days I have been inclined towards helping others and most importantly giving back to society. I had participated in different social events but never ever had given a thought of taking this on as a career. My story of being a social worker was not meant to be, but yes destiny always pans out the way it’s suppo...

Understanding Congenital Heart Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Congenital heart defects refer to defects in the heart that children are born with. These are one of the most common congenital defects globally. In India too, 200,000+ children are born with a congenital heart defect (CHD). These are the numbers of the cases that are recorded – there maybe many more which go undiagnosed and hence untreated. Only 25 per cent of the children diagnosed with a congenital heart defect are able to get the required treatment. A lack of awareness and access to resources are the biggest challenges in children getting timely treatment. Organisations like Genesis Foundation, a congenital heart foundation India has been taking steps to both build awareness and provide financial treatment to those who cannot afford the cost of treatment. The treatment for CHD is expensive and families that do not earn enough to meet their daily needs have to depend on funds they receive as a congenital heart disease donation to support the treatment. Symptoms of Congenital Heart ...

How Charitable Donations Online Help In Child Heart Surgery

When the lives of young children, the future of the world, hang in the balance due to a condition they have absolutely no control over, the future starts looking grey. In India, over 200,000 kids have a heart defect at birth, i.e, a Congenital Heart Defect, affecting their entire lives ahead of them. Most of them have to get not one but many surgeries of varying severity to combat this illness. Imagine the plight of a parent who has to see their child suffer from something as serious as a heart problem. To add to it, they find out the problem is critical and the child needs multiple rounds of life-altering  surgeries. Now, to add to it, the parents don’t have the affordability to fund the medical procedures. Just the thought of it gives you chills, doesn’t it? Here’s what we can do about it. Whilst we as individuals may not be able to directly provide the required medical aid to the child or reach out to the family, there is a way to help them alleviate their agony of having to...