Genesis Foundation: Supporting Families Affected by Congenital Heart Defects

As the world grappled with the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, many countries including India, imposed a nation-wide lockdown. And this meant an even worsened situation for non-communicable diseases like congenital heart defects. As an organization aiding the treatment for congenital heart defects in children, Genesis Foundation also faced unique challenges in trying to ensure that children were provided timely medical intervention.
For first-time parents and parents of new-born children, they’re often thrust into a world of unknown when something unusual happens to the child. In such a situation, tele-consultation and tele-medicine is highly advisable.
Symptoms to Look out For
If you as a parent see your child or someone you know whose child exhibits symptoms like rapid breathing, swelling in legs, stomach, around the eyes, difficulty in taking feed, extreme exhaustion or fatigues, incessant crying or a blue tinge to the skin etc., then immediately call your consulting doctor/pediatrician/ pediatric cardiologist. Nowadays doctors can also virtually assist and suggest measures to ensure that the child’s condition is stabilised until he/she is taken to the hospital for diagnosis.
What are Congenital Heart Defects?
There is no obvious cause for congenital heart defects. Congenital heart defects are a problem with the structure of the heart which is present from the time of the birth. The defect could be in the walls of the heart, the arteries or the veins near the heart. However, something as small as that can disrupt the normal flow of blood through the heart, get slower, go in the wrong direction, wrong place, or be blocked completely, thus altering the oxygen saturation of the body.
Some of the common congenital heart defects include ventricular septal defect (VSD), Atrial septal defect (ASD) and pulmonary atresia etc. Usually such heart defects are diagnosed during fetal Echo or right after birth whereas in some cases, the child might not show any symptoms until they’re older or even into adulthood. There have been some exceptional cases of congenital heart defects healing on their own in the matter of a few years after the child is born. However, most require early medical intervention and children are able to lead a near-normal life post that. For some valve related problems, treatment is generally subjected to the severity of obstruction.
Advanced Technological Treatment
For the longest time, treatment for congenital heart defects meant an open-heart surgery. But with improvement in medical technology and robotic revolution, now doctors perform minimally invasive procedures with lesser complications and faster recovery time.
Echocardiography is a test that has primarily helped doctors to see the child’s heart in motion and identify any anomalies. Fetal Echo is performed on expectant mothers to ensure that doctors are better prepared once the child is born.
Cardiac catheterization or devices such as occluders are helpful in treating congenital heart defects without surgically opening the chest and the heart. This also means that no incision is required, leaving no permanent scars on the chest.
In India, every year there are over 220,000 children born with congenital heart defects every year. Out of these 180,000 require immediate medical intervention, which doesn’t come cheap. The average cost of such surgeries ranges anywhere between INR 200,000- 300,000. If you want to pledge support with Genesis Foundation to help this cause then you can donate on Every rupee is used for the surgery of under-privileged children helping them lead a near normal life.
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