Genesis Foundation: Supporting Families Affected by Congenital Heart Defects

We are a non-governmental organization that is based in Gurgaon, India. We help children who have been diagnosed with Congenital Heart Defects by ensuring they can get adequate medical care. Our work involves saving critically ill children between 0-18 years of age who come from lesser-privileged backgrounds.
The Story behind the Foundation
Jyoti Sagar and his wife Prema Sagar lost their son Sameer, who was born on December 20, 1983, to a congenital heart defect, almost 37 years ago. As grieving parents, they felt shattered by their loss. Beginning to volunteer at Missionaries of Charity felt like a step in the right direction, enriching the lives of others and healing their own. Eventually after finding solace in philanthropy, they turned around their loss into the genesis of the Foundation in 2001.
Genesis Foundation began supporting children suffering from a variety of critical medical conditions in the areas of cancer, heart, organ failure, thalassemia and extreme deformities. But with time, the focus of the Foundation narrowed down to Congenital Heart Defects (CHD) only, considering how underserved the ailment was in India.
We offer financial support in saving critically ill children with Congenital Heart Defects from families where the monthly income does not exceed Rs 15,000. We strongly believe that every life should be given a chance and that no child should die due to poverty.
Congenital Heart Defects: The situation in India
Considering a birth prevalence of 9/1000, the estimated number of children born with CHD every year in India is more than 200,000. Of these, one-fifth of the children are likely to have a serious defect, requiring an intervention in the first year of life itself. Consequently, the total number of babies born with CHD are likely to be much more in regions with high birth rates
This makes CHD one of the primary causes of infant mortality in India.
According to Anita Saxena’s report, most pediatric cardiac care centres are located in metropolitan cities, making the currently available care for these children geographically inadequate. For example, children born with CHD in the most populous states of India, such as Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, do not receive the care they deserve.
How are we tackling the problem?
Genesis Foundation has so far supported medical treatment for over 2900+ critically ill children. We have four pillars in the foundation that help us in fulfilling our mission.
Hope – This programme identifies children who need urgent medical attention. Under this program, we work directly and closely with the families, or guardians and the doctors to ensure not only timely but the best available treatment is provided to the children.
Care – Under this programme, we seek to build a network and work with doctors, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies who are committed to saving the lives of critically ill underprivileged children.
Give – Aimed at building a community that whole-heartedly believes in our cause, the Give programme focuses on fund-raising initiatives. Under this program, we are committed to raising awareness, encouraging collaboration and participation of individual and institutional stakeholders – through CSR programs, individual donations, events and crowd-sourcing.
Learn – By creating a repository of information on Congenital Heart Defects in India, we stay abreast and current with the developments that have been made in this field, in the world.
If you believe in our cause that every child deserves an equal chance at life, then pledge your support with us at →
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