Genesis Foundation: Supporting Families Affected by Congenital Heart Defects

What are corporate donations? To put it simply, it is donations from a corporate to a charity or a nonprofit organization to help them achieve their organization’s mission. This, in turn, benefits the entire society as we have enabled them to create better opportunities for people.
Charity can be given in several ways; the simplest is
donating to organisations that support the lesser privileged. Corporate
charity donations are an integral part of giving donations in general and
should not be overlooked, especially because they allow charities to work with
a sustained flow of funds allowing them to implement work that has a
large-scale impact.
Now, what are the benefits? It might seem more meaningful to
simply provide for those in immediate need, such as the destitute. While this
itself should not be shunned, it is equally important to consider organisations
that work in other areas as well such as education, healthcare, skilling etc.
Why? Simply put, these organizations exist for a reason, a positive reason.
It could be anything, such as an organization for improving
education, creating orphanages, and sponsoring the old and retired. It could be
a sanctuary for protecting animals. All of them need funds to keep going and
achieve their intended goal.
It is no small feat to run these organizations. It requires
strength, belief, and dedication. Most importantly it requires manpower of
skilled persons and professionals to plan and implement these programs
effectively. This requires unity and joint efforts. Non-profits in the current
scenario are run professionally and undertaking large scale programmes that
require proper planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation. To run these
programs effectively the organisations need funds and this is where corporatecharity donations are making an impact.
No one needs to donate a tremendous sum. If you just donate a
bit, then that’s fine! But that’s not only it. Another big help you can do,
which may even be considered a donation, is to share the organization with
Now, it’s prudent not to remain fixated on only the NGOs and
projects. If you think about it, don’t 'small businesses' also fall into the
category of creating a positive change? How may that be? If you help in the
growth of a small business, either by donating or spreading, or any other
method, it’s clear that the impact will only be good. As the business grows, it
can ultimately contribute to society effectively. It is, however, important to
keep in mind that the business(es) you wish to support is a good one. It should
not be harming anything/one. The business should be ethical. For instance, you
should personally ensure that the business does not test its products on
animals, does not damage the environment, and does not partake in anything
unlawful, etc. Otherwise, you may be creating more harm than good.
Let’s go to another point, raising funds. Not only can you
donate directly, but you can also assist in raising their funds. As
aforementioned, one obvious way is through spreading and sharing on social
media. One can also help non-profits by helping raise charitable donations
Other methods must be also taken into account. One can adopt
a multitude of ways, such as hosting campaigns, backyard sales, hosting a bake
sale, conducting discussions, or arranging clubs. There are many others too,
and one can be as creative as you want.
Donating to corporations doesn’t only benefit others, it
benefits the donor as well. When one donates to such causes, one realizes that,
in a way, one is investing in goodness. The donation helps organizations
undertake meaningful work and achieve large scale impact. It brings them a step
closer to reaching their goal for the betterment of the lives of their
community and, inevitably, the world.
This goodness will keep on spreading, from one person to
another, from one group to another, from one nation to another. It is a
tremendous success. The effects may not be seen immediately, but without a
doubt, it will cause a worthy imprint.
A chain effect will arise. Contributions can be as small and
simple as spreading the word or as big as donating. Either way, one has
benefited them vastly. In today’s world, charitable donations online are
easily possible, present at the end of our fingertips. It requires minimal
effort and promotes wellness of the society.
If one takes contributions to a noble cause then we encourage
you to donate to the Genesis Foundation’s donation page. The non-profit organization has been doing an incredible work in
treating kids who are diagnosed with CHD and belong to lesser-privileged
Isn’t it nice to know that you gave away money for something
that you know is good? It is.
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