Contributed by Priyansha Singh To effectively contribute to these medical fundraisers, donors may want to consider the following avenues for positively impacting someone's life: 1. Identification of a genuine cause It is crucial to verify a legitimate cause before donating. Verified platforms such as Milaap or Ketto should be explored to recognize the cases that are in true need of financial assistance. It is also advised to look for campaigns that are backed with in-depth information about the patient’s medical condition, required treatment, and expenses to be covered. Hospital reports, doctor’s prescriptions, and estimated bills, along with personal testimonials from the families, can further assure credibility. 2. Enrolling in trusted donation platforms Secure payment gateways, transparency in fund allocation, and regular updates on the progress of the campaign are the highlights to follow through to ensure you have made a true impact. These platforms make it simple to contribu...