Genesis Foundation: Supporting Families Affected by Congenital Heart Defects

At Genesis Foundation , we understand the emotional and financial challenges faced by families affected by congenital heart defects. Our organization provides emotional support, medical care, and financial assistance to these families. Support our mission and help us make a difference in the lives of these brave little hearts and their families.

Virtual Reality Assisted Imaging in Complex Congenital Heart Surgery: Scope and Prospects

The role of three-dimensional imaging has made its way into every sphere of life, be it in entertainment/education or a myriad of other uses.  From wearable 3D glasses to 3D gaming to 3D software in defense intelligence, its presence is everywhere and is here to stay. Virtual Reality is a simulated experience that employs pose tracking and 3D near eye displays to give the user an immersive feel of the virtual world. Virtual reality has made it big in the field of entertainment, education and business. A person using virtual reality equipment is able to look around the artificial environment and interact with the virtual features and items.


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